Sunday, November 8, 2009

Alright. Here we go with the list of names as far as I can tell. I used three sources to get as many names as possible. I'm not sure if all these people graduated, but most attended at least some of our Sr. year. Please let me know of anyone I have missed; even if they attended Cyprus at any time with us, and if you think they would be interested in knowing about a reunion. I'm not including married names for the women but please include them if you get back to me with their contact information.
Just the first initial and last names are listed. If you want the entire list with full names e-mailed to you let me know. I may not have all the names spelled correctly, but then there were discrepancies between the sources. Correct them if you know. If you don't know where the people are but may have some kind of lead for us to go by, like if their parents still live at the same address, let us know that too.
Once again, my e-mail:
Carrie's e-mail:

M-I can get the info
FB-facebook friend
D-Deceased I don't know all so let me know

Updated: 5-16-10

W Aagard-FB, S Adams, W Adams, M Adamson, B Aguilar, T Aguilar, J Ahlstrom,
C Albright, S Alder, M Anderson, T Arreola, C Ashworth,
D Auberger, J Austin,
J Baker, L Barney, L Barr, S Bates, M Baxter, D.Beebe
B Best, L Bienz, K Bierley, K Blain, T Blanchard,
J Boyd, S Bowen, L Bowles, J Boyd, G Bradshaw, L Brewer, D Bridges, J Brooks,
J Brown, J Brumfield, K Buchanan, E Cabrera,
S Campbell, J Candelaria, A Canfield, B Cardenas, M Cardenas,
W Carlon, S Carlson, L Carrell, B Carter, C Carter, P Case, M Christensen,
R Christensen, B Christiansen, M Christiansen, D Cobbley,
J Cohee, C Cole, A Coleman, D Coombs, A Coon, C Coughlan, B Cruz, K Cunningham,
L Curtis, D Dallman, L Daniels, Da Davis, N Dean-FB, G Diamond
L Dimick, A Dobish, J Doutis,
M Drabner, S Drown, J Eastman, W Eck, J Eldredge,
T Elston, P Erickson, E Farnsworth, D Fielding, M Foregren,
L Franson, K Gallegos, L Garso, T Giblette, J Giles, T Giles,
F Glore, T Gutierrez, P Haight, Th Hainsworth, To Hainsworth, J Hales,
D Hannenbaum, S Harris, J Harward, L. Haslam,
T Haws, K Hays, B Hellewell,
C Helsley, S Helsten, M Henline, M Hensley, S Herrera, A Higgs, B High,
K Hitesman Miller, S Hodge Kunzier,
T Honeycutt, E Horrigan, S Howard, M Hubbard-FB,
A Huggard, B Humphreys, G Hurtado, H Hymas, M Ikegami,
J Jacobs, Step Jensen, Stev Jensen, C Johnson, G Johnson, H Johnson, R Johnson,
Do Jones, V Jones, B Kemp, M Kemp, J Kendall, K Kent, J Kilpack, J Kilpatrick,
R Kinder, J Knorr, K Lance, M Latu,
C Lawin, A Lemmon, S Loosli,
R Lujan, J Lund, T Lund, M Maez, D Mamales, J Mariani,
J Martinez, S Matz, J Maughan,
K McCashland, C McGowan, D McKinney, C McLane, S Measom, B Meikel,
D Mendenhall, D Michaelis, R Miller, T Miller, S Mills,
J Montoya, J Moore, N Morris, K Murray, S Murray, A Mynor, S Naegle, D Nazari,
J Ned, M Nelson, V Nez, D Nicholls, S Nielson,J Nuesmeyer, D Obershaw, R Olsen,
W Olsen, K Ostler, M Overton, T Pacheco,
L Page, R Parks, J Parry, A Patonai, H Pederson,
Sa Perkins, Sh Perkins, C Perry, C Petersen, L Petersen,
R Petersen, J Pflug, L Pierce, L Pierson,
P Pitts, M Pixton, J Porter, J Powell,
H Puerto, D Raby, J Ream, J Reyes, S Ribas,
R Richards, S Richins, S Robb, P Robinson, B Robison, F Ross,
L Ross, B Rowberry, W Rowley, S Runstead, B Rushton,
M Salazar, B Schroeder, J Shakespear, C Sharples, M Shelledy, C Shosted,
D Shrewsbury, S Skiby, G Slaven, S Sloan, M Smith,
S Sofonia-FB, J Sosa, R Spears, W Stevenson, L Sudbury,
H Swensen, W Symes, K Tanner,
J Taylor, F Thomas, C Thompson, D Thompson, K Thompson, L Thompson, J Thompson,
L Thompson, S Thomson, D Tortorich, L Treadwell, L Triplett, B Triptow, E Trujillo, J Turpin,
T Tuttle, M Underwood, T Ungerer, E Vanvlack, J Varner, M Vigil,
T Vosnopoulos, K Vranes, C Walker, R Weber, J Weiss, M Westenskow, P Western,
B. Wharton, R White, S Whitehorn, C Whitmire, J Whitney, S Widener,
T Williamson, D Wilson, K.Wilson, D Winn, D Wolfe, L Woolsey,
S Worthington, J Wright, L Wright, R Wright, T Youngreen.

Thanks again,

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wecolme Mates

Here's our very own Blog spot to keep you informed and to give you a place to give your input on our 30 year reunion!. More to come...

Welcome Class of 80 mates!

Hello everyone who is interested in helping or just keeping up to date with the planning of the Cyprus High School class of 80 30 year reunion. I will be keeping this blog up to date with any activity that occurs with the planning. It's new to me but I'm sure you can give your input with any ideas or concerns you have. Carrie Rushton Adams and Penny Petersen Backman are already on board to help, or, if I'm lucky, to take over. Others have voluteered to help in any way they can.

One of the first items on the to-do list is to contact as many people as we can. I have lists of all who graduated with us, and even some of those who just went to Cyprus for a while. I'm not sure if it's the best thing to list their names on this blog. Is it bad for the privacy thing? We have contact with many people on Face Book, but not near enough. Let me know your thoughts on whether I should list all the name here and then people could e-mail me with contact info for those who they know.

Other items are; What do we want to do? and What date do we want to have it on?

If you leave it up to me we'll have punch and cookies in Karl Cloward's back yard. Or go on a cruise. Maybe we can hit somewhere in between. If you live out of town the date may mean more to you than those who live around here. August and September are popular months.

Feel free to write whatever is on your mind and don't be offended if your ideas aren't used. I'm sure none of mine will be! Mark