Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hello All,

Hopefully you have received a notice telling you when and where our reunion is going to be. If not it will be coming soon. We're very excited to get together again after ten long years. Thanks to Face Book many have reconnected and maybe become a little nostalgic. We hope that you are making plans to be able to attend.
September 11 seems a strange day to have a party and we chose that day because it simply was the best day to have the reunion on. We certainly mean no disrespect to those who use that day as a day of remembrance.
About the names of those who we don't have contact information on. The list that is posted is from a long time ago and as I update it it will change but it will remain under the old publish date. Please look it over and contact Carrie or myself if you know of anyone's address or how we can contact them.
Also, we hope to put together some kind of slide show or something. We are already gathering old pictures of our elementary classes, little league team pictures, Jr. High pictures, maybe even dance pictures. Anything from high school is golden. Also, pictures of you, then and now would be a lot of fun. I can steal most of your now pictures off of your Face Book page. This will only be fun if we get a lot of people participating. Pictures of me and Carrie and Doug will get real boring real fast.
Be sure to send me only scanned pictures, I don't want to be responsible for originals.
As always, feel free to comment all you want on this blog or e-mail Carrie or myself.